IP Assist

Notifications of Infringement

Notifications of Copyright Infringement

IP Assist act on behalf of our clients as in intermediary in the recovery of loss of revenue incurred by copyright infringment. If you have received a notification of copyright infringement from IP Assist, it is our clients belief that you have infringed their copyright. The notification will include documentation of the infringing content and will outline what you need to do to resolve the matter. 

I have received a notification of copyright infringement from IP Assist, what should I do?

The notification of copyright infringement will outline what you need to do to resolve the matter. 

I believe I have received a notification of copyright infringement in error, should I ignore it?

No. Ignoring a notification of copyright infringement may result in our client seeking court intervention to settle the matter.  IP Assist act on the information provided by our clients. If you think that you have received a notification of of copyright infringement in error, please contact IP Assist at the earliest opportunity highlighting your concern. 

The suggested resolution does not seem fair, how is this determined?

IP Assist acts only as an intermediary and does not decide how the matter should be resolved. All options for resolution are individually determined by our clients based on their own business practice. IP Assist can only advise our clients, but ultimately the appropriate resolution is their decision. 

I am being asked to pay for a license period longer than the amount of time the content was used, can this be discounted?

If a retrospective license fee is a suitable resolution to settle the matter any charges you are requested to pay are calculated against what our client would normally charge for the usage. In most cases a minimum license period is applicable. For eg: If a clients minimum license period is 2 years and you have only used the images for 3 months, you will still be expected to pay for the 2 year License fee.